As basic phone sex fantasies go, none is more exciting than the thoughts of a woman stroking your hard cock up and down. Unless it’s two women of course.
Of course, to have two hands getting busy on your cock means that yours cannot be a miniature version of the real thing. No, for this two handed feast, one needs a solid, and long enough penis otherwise what’s the use.
Of course, some mean spirited femdom amongst us will always dispute the “use” of a tiny dick and who am I to oppose these fine ladies, other than to say that as long it is nice and hard, and big enough that my hand can wrap itself around it, then give me your dick then boy.
Masturbation is the oldest tricks in our sexual arsenal, and possibly one the most rewarding. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for any other form of sex (well most anyway) but the DIY (do it yourself) element brings a unique perspective to the whole thing: YOU!
So without further ado, I am inviting all of you and your fine cocks to pick the phone and call me, or any of my girls for a bit of up and down fun, one hand, two hands or even a wet sexy mouth.
Care to try?