Hi boys and girls, I’ve got to admit, it’s been a long time.  But hey, it’s been such a long time since this naughty girl has had  a proper holiday, and by naughty girl I mean…  really, really naughty.

I had been itching to go to London for such a long time, since the last time I went there actually back in 2001, and boy oh boy was I happy to touch down at Heathrow airport.  There is something sexy about the Brits, I have to say.

I arrived on a Saturday and took the train to London from the airport and checked myself in to my hotel for a little nap.  I was woken up a couple of hours later by some rather noisy neighbors, and didn’t take long for yours truly to know what  the happy couple next door were up to. I didn’t have the heart to do anything to spoil their fun, besides, it put a smile on my face.  It’s not as if I had been leaving sex behind when I boarded the plane back home, but still, to find it knocking at my door so to speak was rather endearing.

I was schedule to spend a week in England, but ended up staying 4 weeks.  Yep, my plans changed the night right before I was to get back on the plane when I met the most gorgeous… woman on planet earth.  Yeah yeah, I know what you  guys think, what’s up with you Karen and your seemingly endless quest for the perfect cock.

But this chick (did you know Brits call their chicks…  birds?)…  This chick turned my head upside down and my heart… well..  my heart!  It was love at first sight.  She had the most enthralling smile ever to have been seen, and as the saying goes, had me at hello.

She also had me that very night, hour after hour, on the bed, by the window, in the bath tub, on the floor, watching tele (that’s TV in England!)  And in the wee hours of the morning, just as I was supposed to get back to Heathrow,  I knew it was never going to happen.

So I packed up my staff, and off I went following my new found love all over England.  And Wales.  And Scotland.  I felt like a kid in love.  Hopeless and in bliss, hand in hand with my love, walking the streets of romance, fire in our bellies, and below, a pit which we never tired to quench.

Alas, all good things have to end somehow, and just as she entered into my life, so I left hers.  My own life had been put on hold and you!!!

You apparently couldn’t do without me!

So here I am, happy to be back doing what I do best, a glow in my heart and the remnants of a British accent in every kiss I blow.

Happy Phone Sex!