Phone Sex…  It’s easy.

In many ways it is.  Your dick feels hard as hell in your hand and you are just dying to get that extra push to get you blowing all over the place.  Unless you have a combination of the nastiest bitch on the block with the body from heaven, an attitude from hell and a willingness to fuck you for the sake of sexual nirvana, chances are your dick is going to continue to feel all lonely in your hand… unless..

Unless you phone for sex that is.  Call and you shall come sounds right and you are probably in the ballpark, right? Well Yes and No.

Here are 5 simple steps  callers can take to make sure they experience a truly wondrous phone affair.

1. A great phone sex conversation always starts by  making sure you’ve got the right person for the job to talk to.  Sounds like an exert of any company’s rules of business, and it does if only in reverse.  By far the biggest mistake I see my callers make, (particularly when they call us for the first time) is not telling us what they want to talk about before we put them through to an operator.  You see, a conversation always start with a chat with one of our dispatch ladies who besides making sure the caller is over 18 years  of age and taking down his/her payment information is also the one who selects whom to put that caller through.  If you do not tell the dispatcher what you want to talk about, or the type of woman you want to talk to, then she might connect you to someone she might not have chosen for you in the first place, had she known of your desires in the first place.  So prey tell what it is that turns you on and don’t be shy baby!  You may think your fantasy is unique, and it may very well be, but it is certainly not one which would offend or otherwise disturb any of us.

2. Phone sex is all about suggestion, perception and role play.  Combine all three together and you’ve got the recipe for an extraordinary good time.  So make sure you get involved in the conversation.  Press a particular point of interest if you are attracted to the subject or simply move on to a different topic.  I once had a conversation with a caller who wanted to experience strap on sex.  This caller (who still calls after 10 years) had told the dispatch what he wanted and the call was put through to me since I enjoy domination calls.  During the conversation, as I was exploring the subject in great details my caller asked me to describe how real my strapon was compared to the real thing. It was his way to tell me that he wanted to explore the possibility of finding out what a real dick tasted like and I dare say, the rest of the call was so exciting to the both of us that we sometimes talk about it to this day.

3.  The power of a sexy voice is perhaps the most potent force in phone sex and just like in any relationship sometimes two people can be an immediate match and sometimes they are not.  You do not have to force yourself through a phone session if you do not like the sound of the operator.  Again, be honest about your feeling, and tell the operator as soon as you find out that she’s not “pressing the right button” for you.  You will then be given an opportunity to be transferred to someone else.  Remember that we will do anything and everything to make your experience with us as memorable as it can be.

4. If you are talking about a more “challenging” fetish, set some rules before you start so that the both of you know what line not to cross.

5. Be a charming, considerate even funny caller.  You’d be amazed at how much we are suckers for a good compliment and even more amazed at the reactions you will be getting from your girl.

Happy hunting!

Phone: 1-800-789-7804

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