Well, here you are then, big boy, in search of that elusive creature of your dreams, you know the one, with the boobs and the dick, hoping that cheap phone sex will lead you to a state of perpetual nirvana where gender and dreams mix each other up in the confines of your fetish brains.

And just in case you wonder, yes I am post op, that is the top half of me as I have every intention of not denying myself the goodies that nature has provided me so handsomely with!

It’s not been an easy ride but then what ride is on the path of pleasure? But I can safely say that now that I am there, I am enjoying every moment, ever curve, every inch of my dick, and yours.

It’s not often that ordinary men get the opportunity to get down and personal with a real shemale and other then phone sex, I wouldn’t even advise you to try!

Indeed I have seen so many broken heart my dear, on the scene of the crime so to speak when her cock proved to be oh so much bigger than his, unless you are after all after small humiliation?

But my mind wonders, as my hand lazily rests on all 8 inches of mine, nice and at the ready for a male ass to investigate, train and then enter…

And when I do, you will feel it and dare I say, you will indeed love it!

The feeling of pleasure mixed with what only shemale phone sex can bring you!