Hey Cheap Phone Sex Lover!
Amazing the things women do for a little quiet. Like this really sexy blond babe I was sitting next to at the bar yesterday. She had a big smile on her face and I had to ask her why. She pointed her finger at a group of men nearby and said:
“You see the tall guy with all the muscles? Well just now he made a pass at me. I thought why not, he looks ok to me and I told him I would let him have his ways with me. Just as I did, he lowered his eyes, and I knew he wasn’t comfortable about something. I mean, here I was practically offering myself to him and his quite the strapping lad isn’t he? So why would he be shy? I immediately knew why though. In spite of all his muscles he didn’t have much down below, you know, where it matters.
I can always tell when a man packs a monster or has a little cock and it’s not even as I mind it too much. Ok, there isn’t much a pussy can feel when there is no size enough to fill healthy girls like us but sex is all about mental stimulation and I can tell you, small cock humiliation is one turn on that I usually don’t turn down.”
And that’s why you are smiling? I asked her.
“No, I am laughing because I told him his tiny dick was just an excuse for the sorry wanker his really is and if he wanted to have fun with me, he would have to watch me humiliate him in front of you. And if he is a good little boy and you’re game, I’ll even let him masturbate as I fuck… YOU. Are you game?”
And with that she turned and faced me straight.
What was I going to do? Let that poor fellow wank his tiny penis alone, or in the company of two women in heat having sex in front of him, and laughing at his little thing.
Guess what I told her?