Who else likes porn? As a phone sex girl, I like to keep on “top” of things and knowing what turns my phone sex callers is always interesting. And exciting… And here is an example:

As a phone sex owner, I don’t “do” too many calls nowadays but I do have a list of some of my longstanding customers who have been with me from the beginning and without whom, I probably wouldn’t be in this business anymore.

They have kept me excited, sane and business savvy as more than a few of these delightful darlings are successful business owners and CEO’s themselves.

So we keep in touch. They tell me about themselves… I make them come… They make me come… You know, the usual routine of a sex chat girl!

But back to the porn. The other day, one of them called me for a bit of phone slut fun (I won’t be telling you who is slut!) and we decided to watch a porn video together! He was in his hotel room, I was at home…


Ahhh… The power of streaming when two people talk about it by phone. It was simply delicious!

Talk to you soon baby!
Karen, providing cheap phone sex since 1997