You do not need to spend a fortune for a wonderful phone sex experience! In fact, phone one of our girls today and enjoy up to 10 minutes of exhilarating phone sex for just $24.95! No extra charges, and the call is toll free!
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"I have my cock out and I am stroking it like a madman. I love to hear about your sexual experiences of being finger-fucked on the dance floor while grinding your dance partners cock off through his pants while dancing. Can you help me?" A customer. PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONSWe accept Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, Checks. If your credit card is denied processing, we will give you the choice or making a purchase by charging the call to your telephone account. This is not the cheapest way to make a phone sex call and we don't actually recommend that you do, but if its the only way, then we have a 900 number for you. Because of the nature of our business, and in order to prevent children and young adult under the legal age from accessing our lines, we prefer to deal with credit card authorization directly with the relevant credit card authorization centers. When you call our telephone number, we ask you for all relevant information including date of birth. We then place you on hold for a minute or so, and verify the information with the the credit card authorization center. This initial contact permits us to ascertain from the tone of our callers' voice whether they are of a legal age or not. We know this is not a scientific method but we are right a majority of time so we ask for your cooperation.
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